Microsoft Outlook runs but main window won’t open. Outlook loading and won’t open
Issue: When I go to run microsoft outlook 2010. The program is running, however it will not open. The only way to run the program and use it is doing “outlook.exe /safe” This issue occurred after outlook froze and I had to end its process.
Try this
1. Right click on the Shortcut you use to launch Outlook 2010 and choose Properties.
2. On the Shortcut tab next to Run, change it from Normal window, to Maximized.
3. Click OK.
4. Launch Outlook normally using the shortcut you just edited. (If you edited the Start menu shortcut use ONLY it)
In my case Outlook launched fine, but maximized. Clicking the Restore button would send it irretrievably back to the Taskbar forcing me to force close.
5. With Outlook open and Maximized, right click in the Taskbar and choose Cascade Windows. Presto!
Now I could minimize, restore, maximize, restore all day long without trouble.
6. Final step is to right click on the previously edited Shortcut and change Run back to “Normal window”.
Good luck!