Same Day Service on HTC Hero Touch Screen

Sprint HTC Hero Touch Screen is now in stock.  No Appointment necessary, please call ahead if you need it done while you wait at our shop.


Can My iPhone be Unlocked?

Here are the 2 NOs right off the bat. If your phone is brand new out of the box, NO. If you recently upgraded the phone via iTunes to 3.1.3, NO. Below are the possible scenarios: iPhone original:  firmware 3.1.2 or below iPhone 3G: firmware 3.1.2 with modem 05.11.07 or below iPhone 3Gs: firmware 3.1.2 […]


Did You Know…

Did you know TECH LAB has been in the Rainier Valley neighborhood since 2006? It sure feels just like yesterday when the shop was opened.  Thank you all for your continuing support of  our business and giving us the opportunity to help you.