Unlocked AT&T HTC Inspire 4G Video

Yes I know…we did it again.  We have just unlocked the AT&T HTC Inspire 4G right at the shop.  Took a few minutes, well worth the wait.  If you’re looking for someone in town who can unlock your Inspire 4G today to use on the T-Mobile network or any GSM network for the matter.  Guess […]


Red Pocket Mobile Unlimited Voice and Text

You can really cut your phone bill in half or more.  Try unlimited voice and text for $40/mo, no contract month to month from Red Pocket Mobile.  A lot of you have probably never heard of Red Pocket Mobile. Red Pocket Mobile uses AT&T as their network backbone. Recently, Red Pocket Mobile have lowered the unlimited […]


Final Thoughts on AT&T Samsung Galaxy Tab

[caption id="attachment_760" align="alignleft" width="249" caption="Gingerbread 2.3.3 via Overcome 2.0.0 B2"][/caption]

Just to recap if you missed the previous posts on my AT&T Samsung Galaxy Tab, my tab is rooted, flashed with Euro Rom, then finally flashed again with Overcome ROM v2.0.0 B2. Why? I now have carrier calling capability and Gingerbread


Continuing on AT&T Samsung Galaxy Tab

Another few days past over my head and luckily not a drop of rain since Wed.  Here’s what I have done so far after the Overcome 2.0B2 install on my SGT. had the battery info wipe from the recovery menu.  According to guide I read, it’s suppose to help with battery although the effect may not be […]


$30 off Microsoft Office 2010

Microsoft is offering their office 2010 for home and student at $119.99 instead of $149.99.  Offer starts now and expires on 11/29/2010 11:59pm. To purchase, goto their website: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/