My 2 Weeks with Samsung Galaxy Tab

I have had my T-Mobile (TMO) Samsung Galaxy Tab (GT) now for about 2 weeks. I love the GT for its size and portability. All the major apps I use worked really well, such as Google Voice (text/MMS), Google Nav, Calendar, Wyse Remote Connect, and of course the built-in camera, WEB and EMAIL. The only […]


HP C510 Printer with Android Slate

Was at a customers today doing a printer install. Not expecting anything out of the ordinary. That is until I saw this HP C510 printer in my face. This happens to be a printer with an Android powered tablet. It is detectable and it can be used as a internet surfer and of course when […]


Windows Phone 7 Missing MultiTask Feature

I’m not certain multi task on Windows Phone 7 stumps Microsoft on a software engineering level or the user interface in general.  At the moment multi task on the Windows Phone 7 platform is not yet a behavior that 3rd party software / app developers can tap into.  However, as explained by the product lead designer […]

Google TV

Google TV on Any Computer

You can get a quick tour of what Google TV is here. I think the Google TV is a great idea, an idea that is perfect for our now generation. I just don’t understand why Google decides to only offer the software to hardware manufactuer to sell a “internet tv” gadget thing????? I would sum […]


Recent Computer Virus Rouge Out Breaks

We have been getting these BAD computer bugs checked in our shop for cleaning.   Just thought I post a few common ones going around right now so you can be on a look out for them.   The bad news is that most common antivirus or malware protection agents will not protect your computer […]