Apple ‘to announce iPad 3 on March 7’ By Shane…

Apple ‘to announce iPad 3 on March 7’
By Shane Richmond, Head of Technology (Editorial), telegraph.co.uk
Apple’s new iPad will have a faster processor, an improved display and will be announced in the first week of March, according to reports.The…


Pressly Goes DIY: Will Turn Tumblr, WordPress & Twitter Into…

Pressly Goes DIY: Will Turn Tumblr, WordPress & Twitter Into Touch-Friendly Websites
Sarah Perez, techcrunch.com
Fol­low­ing its Novem­ber debut, HTML5 pub­lish­ing plat­form (and TechCrunch Dis­rupt final­ist) Press­ly, is prepar­ing to laun…


Samsung Not Worried About Apple’s TV: “TVs are ultimately about…

Samsung Not Worried About Apple’s TV: “TVs are ultimately about picture quality”
Devin Coldewey, techcrunch.com
In what may, in a cou­ple years, be remem­bered as a tell­tale remark of over­con­fi­dence, Sam­sung’s AV prod­uct man­ag­…


Compact Slide-Through Toaster Works In Just 90 Seconds

Compact Slide-Through Toaster Works In Just 90 Seconds: gizmodo.com
Con­vey­or belt toast­ers help restau­rants keep up with the break­fast demand, but the com­pact Quik­Serve from West­Bend is instead designed for home use using a motor­ized …


An iPhone Case For Fingerprint Fighters

An iPhone Case For Fingerprint Fighters: gizmodo.com
Most peo­ple have learned to live with the fin­ger­prints and smear marks on their touch­screen devices. But for those of us who still spend more time than we should pol­ish­ing and re-polishin…