How 'Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey' wants to simulate evolution

One challenge with creating a game about the arc of human evolution is that the subject matter is almost limitlessly broad. With Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey, creator Patrice Désilets is narrowing the time period down to between 10 million… Source: engadget


Bitcoin Generates More Carbon Emissions Than Some Countries, Study Warns

The carbon emissions generated by bitcoin are comparable to the whole of Kansas City — and even a small country — a study finds Source: https://cointelegraph.com/rss


Brazil Central Bank Debuts IBM Blockchain Interbank ID System on Hyperledger

A Hyperledger Fabric blockchain ID system has been launched by Brazil’s central bank Source: https://cointelegraph.com/rss


'Darksiders Genesis' is more than a Diablo-like dungeon crawler

THQ Nordic isn't finished with the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. A decade after the original game came out on the PS3, War and his brothers return to consoles in a brand new iteration of Darksiders, dubbed Genesis. But this spin-off prequel doesn't loo… Source: engadget


The best coding kits for children

If you want to try to get your kid into coding as young as possible, then Cubetto is the best place to start. It's appropriate for children as young as three — which is largely because it strips the concept of programming down to its absolute basics… Source: engadget