Google Chrome OS Make or Break

Not so familiar with the Chrome OS? Check out this teaser video or try a search on Google with the terms “Chrome OS project“. In my mind, the Chrome OS is simply the best thing since Google came along with their search. The question I ask is will it be adapted by a large enough […]


WWDC 2010 Steve Jobs Keynote

1st thing first, watch it here: you’ll need Quicktime of course, just follow the link in the page to download and install it first if you don’t already have it. I Noticed that the video did not work with the Chrome browser. Try IE, Firefox, or Safiri. If you can think of somethings to talk […]


Today’s TVs are Stupid

What’s annoying about TVs today no matter how big and good the picture looks in front of your face is that the TV is stupid. It can’t compute or understand anything more than the remote can muster. It’s time for TV and PC hardware manufacturers to get together and come up with a standard for […]


Oh Microsoft, Where Are You?

Has Microsoft seen its days of glory? Check out the stats and links below. Source: StatCounter Global Stats – Operating System Market Share 1. http://gs.statcounter.com 2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_operating_systems 3. http://www.w3counter.com/globalstats.php All of which point to the fact that Microsoft is steadily loosing its iron grip over the windows operating system and internet explorer. Their past phenonmenal […]


Microsoft Online Services Trial

To download Microsoft Online Services free trial http://www.microsoft.com/everybodysbusiness/en/us/default.aspx Use of Internet Explorer 5.0 or above is required and the following services will be provided to you: Up to 20 user licenses Exchange Online w/ 500GB of free storage Sharepoint Online w/ 5GB of free storage Office Outlook Web Access Office Communication Online Access to free […]