Data Driven Decisions for Startups Uzi Shmilovici,…

Data Driven Decisions for Startups
Uzi Shmilovici, techcrunch.com
Edi­tor’s note: Uzi Shmilovi­ci is the CEO and founder of Future Sim­ple, the com­pa­ny behind Base CRM.“If you don’t have any facts, we’ll just use my opinion.” – Jim B…


MIT develops fog resistant, glare-free glass, it’s clearly…

MIT develops fog resistant, glare-free glass, it’s clearly amazing (video)
James Trew, engadget.com
It sounds like it’s not just us that spend half our sweet time with lint-free cloth in hand. Researchers at MIT have devel­oped a new type of glass…


HelloFax Turns Google Drive Into a Fax Machine April 27, 2012by…

HelloFax Turns Google Drive Into a Fax Machine
April 27, 2012by Emily Price 0, mashable.com
HelloFax got one step clos­er to its goal of elim­i­nat­ing the fax machine this week with the ser­vice’s inte­gra­tion into Google Drive.HelloFax’s …


Sprint Confirms It Will Still Serve Unlimited Data To The Next…

Sprint Confirms It Will Still Serve Unlimited Data To The Next iPhone
Matt Burns, techcrunch.com
Sprint plans to offer unlim­it­ed data on the next iPhone even if it’s LTE. This would make the car­ri­er the only one in the U.S. with the pair­ing…


Chrome 18 is world’s most popular browser, Internet Explorer 9…

Chrome 18 is world’s most popular browser, Internet Explorer 9 leads in North America
Dan Graziano, bgr.com
Inter­net mon­i­tor­ing firm Ping­dom on Mon­day released a new report on glob­al Web brows­er share by brows­er ver­sion. The com­…