Regal Entertainment Group teams up with Sony to bring subtitle…

Regal Entertainment Group teams up with Sony to bring subtitle glasses to US theaters
Donald Melanson, engadget.com
We’ve been hear­ing about glass­es that only dis­play sub­ti­tles to those who need them for years (most recent­ly with a trial …


AMD confirms Trinity and Brazos 2.0 shipping now, globally…

AMD confirms Trinity and Brazos 2.0 shipping now, globally available ‘soon’
Sharif Sakr, engadget.com
Any troglodytes out there who didn’t know that AMD’s next APU archi­tec­ture is inbound? If so, we’re gonna toast marsh­mal­lows out­si…


IBM speeds push for 500-mile EV battery Martin LaMonica,…

IBM speeds push for 500-mile EV battery
Martin LaMonica, cnet.com
An air-breathing bat­tery: the basic chem­istry of a lithi­um air bat­tery is to com­bine oxy­gen from the air with lithi­um to cre­ate lithi­um per­ox­ide and the reverse rea…


Barclays releases PayTag: the NFC card you glue to your phone…

Barclays releases PayTag: the NFC card you glue to your phone (video)
Daniel Cooper, engadget.com
If you don’t have a fancy NFC-enabled phone then it’s hard to join the mobile wal­let club. For­tu­nate­ly, Bar­clays has intro­duced the Pay­T…


Spotify For Android Completely Revamped With A Brand New UI, Better Everything – Download Now!

Spotify For Android Completely Revamped With A Brand New UI, Better Everything – Download Now!: Ben Reid, redmondpie.com
Spo­ti­fy is used by tens of mil­lions world­wide, and although dig­i­tal music ser­vices such as iTunes con­tin­ue to t…