Bloomin’ New Coffee App « Dear Coffee, I Love You. | A…

Bloomin’ New Coffee App « Dear Coffee, I Love You. | A Coffee Blog for Caffeinated Inspiration.dearcoffeeiloveyou.com
11.09It’s been awhile since my last cof­fee app post, but I’m real­ly excit­ed about this one. Bloom is a new app for iOS5,…


Forget Google Glasses; check these dual-focus contact lenses By…

Forget Google Glasses; check these dual-focus contact lenses
By Kevin C. Tofel, gigaom.com
The U.S. gov­ern­ment has ordered a pro­to­type con­tact lens that will help mil­i­tary mem­bers see vir­tu­al infor­ma­tion direct­ly on a pair of …


Nike Fuelband Review: A Friendly Reminder to Stop Being…

Nike Fuelband Review: A Friendly Reminder to Stop Being Lazy
Casey Chan, gizmodo.com
A girl at a bar sees the futur­is­tic and slim black cuff cradling my wrist, points at it and asks—well, more like demands to know—what is that? I look down, thi…


These AR Glasses Make Your Food Look Huge So You Want To Eat Less

These AR Glasses Make Your Food Look Huge So You Want To Eat Less: gizmodo.com
We’ve seen some pret­ty crazy poten­tial uses for Google Glass­es, but what if instead of help­ing you com­mute bet­ter, they made your diet eas­i­er? These aug­m…


North Korea’s Big Bad Missile Launch Begins Sam Biddle,…

North Korea’s Big Bad Missile Launch Begins
Sam Biddle, gizmodo.com
North Korea is being extra naughty this week: the piss-broke dic­ta­tor­ship is about to launch a giant rock­et for sci­en­tif­ic pur­pos­es. Trans­la­tion: a giant F U to…