Subaru’s double vision prevents accidents Wayne…

Subaru’s double vision prevents accidents
Wayne Cunningham, cnet.com
The Sub­aru Eye­Sight safe­ty sys­tem uses two cam­eras, mount­ed to either side of the rear view mir­ror, to detect obsta­cles ahead.(Cred­it: Sub­aru)Over the last decad…


Turn Any Campfire Into A Cooktop, Water Heater, and Cholera Killer

Turn Any Campfire Into A Cooktop, Water Heater, and Cholera Killer: gizmodo.com
Pack­ing light is the name of the game when you visit the great out­doors. Car­ry­ing a big pot to boil water is a chal­lenge. But the awkwardly-named Jompy lets you l…


“Social Ideation” Startup AHHHA Turns Users’ Ideas Into Real…

“Social Ideation” Startup AHHHA Turns Users’ Ideas Into Real Products
Anthony Ha, techcrunch.com
You know those ran­dom ideas for new inven­tions that occa­sion­al­ly pop into your head? The ones you never do any­thing with? A start­up cal…


Dear Microsoft: You’re doing it right Zach Epstein, bgr.com Late…

Dear Microsoft: You’re doing it right
Zach Epstein, bgr.com
Late last sum­mer, I wrote an arti­cle titled Dear tablet mak­ers: You’re doing it wrong in which I shared my view on what I believe to be one of the biggest prob­lems cur­rent­ly fa…


Forget NFC, This iPhone Case Combines All Your Credit Cards Into…

Forget NFC, This iPhone Case Combines All Your Credit Cards Into One
Chris Velazco, techcrunch.com
I have a love-hate rela­tion­ship when it comes to all these new­fan­gled mobile pay­ment meth­ods. Fan as I am of Google Wal­let (and all the Waw…