Everything You Need To Waste Your Life Waiting In Line For the New iPad

Everything You Need To Waste Your Life Waiting In Line For the New iPad: gizmodo.com
First of all: don’t do this, it’s dumb. But if you absolute­ly HAVE to spend three days camped out in front of your local iStore to get your hands on the new iPad…


Stride tries to make CRM sexy and dead simple John Cook,…

Stride tries to make CRM sexy and dead simple
John Cook, geekwire.com
Andrew Dumont has worked in mar­ket­ing and busi­ness devel­op­ment roles for a few years now, and until recent­ly he has yet to find a cus­tomer rela­tion­ship man­age­me…


Windows 8 Consumer Preview Tablet Vs. iPad 2 Running iOS 5 – Head To Head Feature Comparison

Windows 8 Consumer Preview Tablet Vs. iPad 2 Running iOS 5 – Head To Head Feature Comparison: Oliver Haslam, redmondpie.com
When Microsoft released its Win­dows 8 Con­sumer Pre­view, it was always going to be com­pared square­ly against the bigg…


Chrysler signs deal with Sprint for Uconnect (updated)

Chrysler signs deal with Sprint for Uconnect (updated): Daniel Cooper, engadget.com
Chrysler’s in-car Ucon­nect EV-Do sys­tem allows you to stay con­nect­ed over WiFi on the go, with your vehi­cle act­ing as a 150-foot wire­less hotspot around…


X-Link For Android: Easily Transfer Files Between Android Devices And PCs Wirelessly Without Logging In

X-Link For Android: Easily Transfer Files Between Android Devices And PCs Wirelessly Without Logging In: Awais Imran, redmondpie.com
In the past few days, we’ve seen mul­ti­ple simple-to-use file-transferring apps released for Android. First, we sa…