Normal video post

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec molestie, velit a faucibus cursus, eros ligula rhoncus quam, vel consequat eros arcu a tellus. Ut pharetra elit in libero eleifend feugiat. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus vel dui vitae arcu tempus rhoncus. Cras et lacinia ante. Proin a enim nulla, ac dapibus ligula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique […]


Default post

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec molestie, velit a faucibus cursus, eros ligula rhoncus quam, vel consequat eros arcu a tellus. Ut pharetra elit in libero eleifend feugiat. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus vel dui vitae arcu tempus rhoncus. Cras et lacinia ante. Proin a enim nulla, ac dapibus ligula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique […]


Hit Me, Somebody Please

Call me a dummy…never knew the library had all (99%) of the reference books i read in digital format. I mean, was I born yesterday? WHY didn’t I know about this?????  Owe it to yourself to check out their digital catalog.  The wealth of knowledge lies within.  I promise.  Oh, don’t forget tell them I sent […]


Continuing on AT&T Samsung Galaxy Tab

Another few days past over my head and luckily not a drop of rain since Wed.  Here’s what I have done so far after the Overcome 2.0B2 install on my SGT. had the battery info wipe from the recovery menu.  According to guide I read, it’s suppose to help with battery although the effect may not be […]


Found Twitter Tools Bit.ly Plugin

I searched far and wide…and ultimate found a fix for why Twitter Tools did not shorten the URL.  Why didn’t the author simply mention activate the additional plugin?  What could have been a few clicks turned out to be a 3hr session of sweat and tears. For those of you out there who just installed […]